As for the cost of building such a house, it is 7-10% higher than that of a traditional house. However, it is a once-in-a-lifetime investment for the customer. And, thanks to the passive house structure, the building's running costs are obviously lower, so the investment is recovered in a shorter time.
This type of construction is not just a trademark, it is a new concept, another way to build.
The nZEB passive house is an energy-independent household that involves the passive use of ambient energies (solar radiation through windows) and internal heat sources (electrical devices and residents) which are sufficient to maintain a pleasant temperature inside the building, throughout the year.
Thus, the passive house is truly energy efficient, comfortable, cost-effective and ecological. It is a perfectly sealed house with almost zero heat transfer (nZEB), which achieves and maintains the desired thermal balance with low energy consumption.
It can be built in any area/topography, without the need for utilities (water, energy, gas).
The passive wooden house is the future, it is the respect for nature and man, it is the house that does not pollute and does not consume. For example, in France in 2024 only passive houses will be built, considering the depletion of natural gas reserves.
The nZEB construction concept ensures sustainability in the development and continuation of human society, it is comfort, it is economy, it is nature's gift to man and man's gift to nature.
1. In a passive house there is a significant reduction in expenses.
Compared to a classic house, whose energy bill tends to increase progressively, the energy saving of a passive wooden house is 75-80%. Thus, the external energy requirement is lower than in the case of a normal house due to the maximum use of the following heat sources:
- Heat emanating from the human body
- Heat from household appliances
- Heat from indoor activities
- Sun's heat - that's why the joinery should face south
- Heat from the ground on which the house stands
The main reason for energy efficiency lies in the thermal insulation of the foundation, walls and structure, through the use of insulation materials and technology without thermal bridges. Thus, the cost of the energy bill will decrease 10 times compared to that issued for a traditional house. In other words, in the case of an ordinary house, the annual maintenance can reach an average of 450 euros, while for a passive house these expenses do not exceed 100 euros.
2. The average passive house is completed in 6-9 weeks.
3. Efficient insulation of a passive house results in continuous thermal comfort.
Living in an ordinary house does not always mean having optimal thermal comfort regardless of the season. You may be cold in the winter and excessively hot in the summer. Whereas, in a wooden house one can observe the existence of a comfortable indoor climate both in winter and in summer due to effective insulation. A passive house can have a wall of 40-50 cm, of which an outer layer of thermal insulation of 20-30 cm, so an effective thermal insulation that eliminates the transfer of energy to/from the surrounding environment.
Moreover, the walls of wooden houses are made up of 7-9 layers, depending on the chosen model, and the insulating materials are positioned in layers in the wall cavity to obtain superior thermal insulation through a much thinner layer. Thus, the wooden house is warmer and 10-15% more spacious.
4. Air health at home
Compared to a classic house, the atmosphere in a passive house is more airy, hence the lack of allergens, damp and humidity that damage the construction and the health of the inhabitant. The exceptional comfort provided by the permanently fresh air in your home is due to several aspects.
Firstly, due to the mechanical ventilation system. Specifically, a ventilation system with a heat recovery system is installed. Fresh air passes through a "heat exchanger": this transfers the heat of the exhaust air to the fresh air. Under certain conditions, heat loss compared to a window-ventilated building can be reduced by up to 80%.
This does not mean that the doors and windows of a passive house cannot be opened. We beg to differ. The occupant can enjoy the outdoor environment at any time without signficantly affecting indoor energy savings.
Secondly, a healthy air is also maintained thanks to the use of wood as a building material. Because wood is a porous material, air from outside penetrates inside through the wood fibres and is naturally filtered. And, the resin inside the trunk will give your home a unique natural wood aroma that has a beneficial effect on your sleep and breathing.
Because the passive house truly breathes, the occupant will not develop allergies or respiratory illnesses. Furthermore, thanks to the insulation, the temperature variation is considerably reduced, preventing condensation and mould. The building elements are also made of dry materials in a perfectly controlled environment to prevent moisture from entering the living space.
5. An eco choice to live
Living in a passive house means respecting nature because, first of all, all the materials used are environmentally friendly. For insulation materials, either mineral wool or recyclable raw materials (wood fibres or wool) are used, which provide an indoor atmosphere beneficial to the human body. On the other hand, wood is a renewable material, the exploitation of which for the construction of DornaEcoHouse houses will never be greater than the amount of trees that grow each year.
Secondly, the greenhouse effect is caused by gases from excess energy use that lead to global warming. However, houses with a timber frame emit 26% less greenhouse gases than those with a steel frame and 31% less than those with a concrete frame
Moreover, 23% less pollutants are emitted in the production of raw materials for the construction of a timber-frame house than for the raw materials of the usual classes: steel, ACC or concrete.
Thanks to these aspects, but also to the minimal consumption of energy and fossil fuel, the passive house integrates perfectly into the environment. It can be said that living in a passive house is a truly wise choice for both the family and the environment. It's a house you can really live in.
Sănătatea aerului la ea acasă
A locui într-o casă pasivă, înseamnă a respecta natura deoarece, în primul rând, toate materialele utilizate sunt ecologice. Pentru materialele izolante se apelează fie la vata minerală, fie la materii prime reciclabile (fibrele de lemn sau lână) ce oferă o atmosferă de interior benefică organismului uman. Pe de altă parte, lemnul este un material regenerabil, a cărei exploatare destinată construirii caselor DornaEcoHouse nu va fi niciodată mai mare decât cantitatea de copaci ce crește anual. În al doilea rând, efectul de seră este cauzat de gazele ce provin din folosirea în exces a energiei și care conduc la încălzirea globală. Dar, casele cu structură de rezistență din lemn emit cu 26% mai puține gaze cu efect de seră decât cele care au structură de rezistență din oțel și cu 31% mai reduse decât cele cu structură de beton
Secondly, the greenhouse effect is caused by gases from excess energy use that lead to global warming. However, houses with a timber frame emit 26% less greenhouse gases than those with a steel frame and 31% less than those with a concrete frame
Moreover, 23% less pollutants are emitted in the production of raw materials for the construction of a timber-frame house than for the raw materials of the usual classes: steel, ACC or concrete.
Thanks to these aspects, but also to the minimal consumption of energy and fossil fuel, the passive house integrates perfectly into the environment. It can be said that living in a passive house is a truly wise choice for both the family and the environment. It's a house you can really live in.
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